---It is so easy to stagnate, to stay where we are without much growth in our lives. We go through the motions of living, but don't feel very ''Alive.'' Sometimes we need help in taking that next step. Sometimes we are not even sure there is a next step to take.
---There is a light at the end of every
tunnel, even if at present we can't see it. As Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is
accreditted for - There are 5 stages we ALL go through on the way to Accepting
something (pictured above.)
---They are 1] DENIAL, 2] ANGER, 3] BARGAINING, 4] DESPAIR and 5] ACCEPTANCE. She came upon these phases while searching for those things we have in-common when we grieve. These are the stages that bring the ''Light'' into focus. The stages of ''Acceptance'' and ''Grief'' are the same.
---They are 1] DENIAL, 2] ANGER, 3] BARGAINING, 4] DESPAIR and 5] ACCEPTANCE. She came upon these phases while searching for those things we have in-common when we grieve. These are the stages that bring the ''Light'' into focus. The stages of ''Acceptance'' and ''Grief'' are the same.
---Despair is the last ugly step before
Acceptance. It is very natural to not like this stage. We feel helpless. We hate to feel this way. In
Despair we know there is nothing we can do about our situation. We handle this
the best we can. We suffer to the extent we are attached to a certain outcome.
We have to let go of ALL this. We have to learn to ''Trust.'' We grieve for
those parts of ''Ourselves'' that are ''Lost'' so as to make ourselves Whole
again. We can than see that ''Light'' of Acceptance that has been alluding us
all this time. The best way ''around'' something is to go through it.
---By ''Affirming'' each other, we allow the person to take that next step. We like to know that it is really OKAY to STAND where we STAND, and Affirmation brings ''OKAYNESS'' to the table. We sometimes get very scattered and are pulled in many different directions at once. Even at this spot, if we feel affimed, it gives us a place from which to take our next step. When We Are Ready. Affirm each other along the lines of the five stages above, giving others the courage to NOT stagnate too long at any one spot, and watch him or her ''Walk into the Light'' of ''Acceptance or Self-Acceptance.'' Be Well.
(Written in March, 2006)
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